Director Valery Merkulov
duration 2 h 10 min
The story of Snow White is one of the most famous fairy tales in the world, which has been told and retold many times.
First time it was published in 1812 as a part of the Grimm brother’s collection of tales that had been gathered from old European folk stories.
Two decades later the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin retold Snow White’s story in his own way – that is how The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights was born.
In XX century a cartoon created by famous Walter Disney went down in the history of art.
Ballets lovers know a wonderful performance by outstanding Russian choreographer Henry Mayorov staged in 1975 in Bolshoi Theatre and then shown at different theatres in all over the world.
Another version of that story turned into a play for children written by Leo Ustinova and Oleg Tabakov for Sovremennik Theatre. Few years after the premiere took place a poet Sergey Bogomazov and composer Eduard Kolmanovskiy created a music comedy based on that play.
This musical has been created for Natalia Sats Theatre and now it is one of the most popular performances of our repertoire.